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Hospital Labyrinth Cancer Treatment Center Rapides Louisiana
Hospital Labyrinth Cancer Treatment Center Rapides Louisiana
Bed and Breakfast Labyrinth
Bed and Breakfast Labyrinth
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Synagogue Labyrinth Jewish Temple Chicago Tile
Synagogue Labyrinth Jewish Temple Chicago Tile
Triple Spiral Triskelion Labyrinth Zen Garden
Triple Spiral Triskelion Labyrinth Zen Garden
Sacred Geometry Labyrinth Metatrons Cube Rosette
Sacred Geometry Labyrinth Metatrons Cube Rosette
Spa Resort Labyrinth Napa Luxury Hotel
Spa Resort Labyrinth Napa Luxury Hotel
Grass Labyrinth Garden Stone Design
Grass Labyrinth Garden Stone Design
Roman Square Paver Labyrinth Backyard Custom Design
Roman Square Paver Labyrinth Backyard Custom Design
Public Park Labyrinth Green Paint Concrete
Public Park Labyrinth Green Paint Concrete
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Senior Housing Project Labyrinth Elderly Accessible
Senior Housing Project Labyrinth Elderly Accessible
Painted Labyrinth Public Park California
Painted Labyrinth Public Park California
Accessible Labyrinth
Accessible Labyrinth
Brick Labyrinth Decomposed Granite Chartres Rosette
Brick Labyrinth Decomposed Granite Chartres Rosette
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Stone Labyrinth
Stone Labyrinth
Wood Floor Labyrinth
Wood Floor Labyrinth
Catholic Church Labyrinth
Catholic Church Labyrinth
Classical Labyrinth
Classical Labyrinth
Garden Labyrinth
Garden Labyrinth
Baltic Wheel
Baltic Wheel
Retirement Community Labyrinth
Retirement Community Labyrinth
Permanent Labyrinth
Permanent Labyrinth
Santa Rosa Labyrinth
Santa Rosa Labyrinth
Chartres Rosette
Chartres Rosette
Mental Health Labyrinth
Mental Health Labyrinth
Chartres Labyrinth
Chartres Labyrinth
Brick Labyrinth
Brick Labyrinth
Grass Labyrinth
Grass Labyrinth
Chartres Replica Labyrinth
Chartres Replica Labyrinth
Brick Labyrinth
Brick Labyrinth
School Blacktop Labyrinth
School Blacktop Labyrinth
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Concrete Labyrinth
Concrete Labyrinth
Tennis Court Labyrinth
Tennis Court Labyrinth
Wheelchair Accessible Labyrinth
Wheelchair Accessible Labyrinth
Cobblestone Labyrinth
Cobblestone Labyrinth
Stone Labyrinth
Stone Labyrinth
Granitite Labyrinth
Granitite Labyrinth
Concrete Labyrinth
Concrete Labyrinth
Mavericks Labyrinth
Mavericks Labyrinth
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Forest Labyrinth
Forest Labyrinth
Rock Labyrinth
Rock Labyrinth
Chartres Labyrinth
Chartres Labyrinth
Classical Labyrinth
Classical Labyrinth
ADA Compliant Labyrinth
ADA Compliant Labyrinth
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Hospital Labyrinth Cancer Treatment Center Rapides Louisiana
Hospital Labyrinth Cancer Treatment Center Rapides Louisiana
Bed and Breakfast Labyrinth
Bed and Breakfast LabyrinthA heart labyrinth created for Casa Bella Bed and Breakfast in Sonoma County.  Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
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Synagogue Labyrinth Jewish Temple Chicago Tile
Synagogue Labyrinth Jewish Temple Chicago Tile
Triple Spiral Triskelion Labyrinth Zen Garden
Triple Spiral Triskelion Labyrinth Zen Garden
Sacred Geometry Labyrinth Metatrons Cube Rosette
Sacred Geometry Labyrinth Metatrons Cube Rosette
Spa Resort Labyrinth Napa Luxury Hotel
Spa Resort Labyrinth Napa Luxury Hotel
Grass Labyrinth Garden Stone Design
Grass Labyrinth Garden Stone Design
Roman Square Paver Labyrinth Backyard Custom Design
Roman Square Paver Labyrinth Backyard Custom Design
Public Park Labyrinth Green Paint Concrete
Public Park Labyrinth Green Paint Concrete
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Senior Housing Project Labyrinth Elderly Accessible
Senior Housing Project Labyrinth Elderly Accessible
Painted Labyrinth Public Park California
Painted Labyrinth Public Park California
Accessible Labyrinth
Accessible Labyrinth
Brick Labyrinth Decomposed Granite Chartres Rosette
Brick Labyrinth Decomposed Granite Chartres Rosette
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Stone Labyrinth
Stone Labyrinth
Wood Floor Labyrinth
Wood Floor LabyrinthChartres Essence design painted on the wooden floor of a church in California. Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Catholic Church Labyrinth
Catholic Church LabyrinthA crushed granite labyrinth created on an existing concrete courtyard at St. John Vianney Catholic Church in Walnut Creek, California. Built by Lars Howlett
Classical Labyrinth
Classical Labyrinth
Garden Labyrinth
Garden Labyrinth
Baltic Wheel
Baltic WheelBaltic Wheel labyrinth inlaid stone in the lawn of a community in Santa Rosa.  Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Retirement Community Labyrinth
Retirement Community LabyrinthThis small 3-Circuit Labyrinth offers a space for peaceful reflection for residents at a retirement community at La Costa Glen in Carlsbad, California.  Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Permanent Labyrinth
Permanent LabyrinthA permanent Chartres Essence Labyrinth at a private residence in Santa Rosa, California in a meditation garden. Built by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Santa Rosa Labyrinth
Santa Rosa LabyrinthA Santa Rosa labyrinth on concrete using GraniTite for a retirement community in California.  Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Chartres Rosette
Chartres Rosette
Mental Health Labyrinth
Mental Health Labyrinth
Chartres Labyrinth
Chartres Labyrinth
Brick Labyrinth
Brick Labyrinth
Grass Labyrinth
Grass Labyrinth
Chartres Replica Labyrinth
Chartres Replica LabyrinthExact replica of Chartres Cathedral labyrinth on concrete using crushed granite overlay at a private residence in Loomis, California. Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Brick Labyrinth
Brick Labyrinth
School Blacktop Labyrinth
School Blacktop Labyrinth
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Concrete Labyrinth
Concrete LabyrinthExact replica of Chartres Cathedral labyrinth on concrete using crushed granite overlay at a private residence in Loomis, California. Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Tennis Court Labyrinth
Tennis Court LabyrinthA Chartres Labyrinth painted atop a refinished tennis court at a private residence in Los Angeles. Built by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Wheelchair Accessible Labyrinth
Wheelchair Accessible Labyrinth
Cobblestone Labyrinth
Cobblestone LabyrinthCustom labyrinth for Sophia University in Palo Alto with cobblestones and recycled rubber mulch.  Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Stone Labyrinth
Stone LabyrinthRiver stone labyrinth for a personal retreat center in Sebastopol, California using sacred geometry. Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Granitite Labyrinth
Granitite LabyrinthChartres replica in Granitite on concrete at a church in Davis, California. Built by Robert Ferre and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Concrete Labyrinth
Concrete LabyrinthA Granitite Labyrinth on concrete at a mental health institute in Colorado.  Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Mavericks Labyrinth
Mavericks LabyrinthA labyrinth in the shape of a wave at Pillar Point in Half Moon Bay on the trail to Mavericks that has disappeared over time.  Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
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Forest Labyrinth
Forest LabyrinthA labyrinth created in the forest of Sweden near the farm of my ancestors.  Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Rock Labyrinth
Rock LabyrinthA labyrinth created with rocks from an old quarry in Half Moon Bay.  Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Chartres Labyrinth
Chartres LabyrinthThe new labyrinth in Chartres at the Maison St. Yves created during a workshop led by Jeff Saward.  Photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
Classical Labyrinth
Classical LabyrinthA Classical Labyrinth built on the coast of Half Moon Bay by the ocean.  Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
ADA Compliant Labyrinth
ADA Compliant LabyrinthA labyrinth on concrete that can be used with wheelchairs at Denison University in Ohio.  Built and photographed by Lars Howlett / DiscoverLabyrinths.com
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